At MONARCH, we believe in a safer world.

You have the right to assume that the products you use will not hurt you.

Unfortunately, many consumer products are made cheaply and unscrupulously. These products may contain dangerous chemicals that have been identified, through rigorous and replicated scientific testing, to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.

If a product you purchase might hurt you, you have the right to make an informed decision.

  • Advocacy

    MONARCH is committed to furthering education and transparency in consumer safety.

    Our primary purpose is to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in unassuming, everyday items. We also work to spread awareness of these dangerous chemicals, because we believe that people have a right to know what they are putting into their, and their families’, bodies.

  • Accountability

    At MONARCH, we also privately test hundreds of consumer goods each year. We use reputable and regulated testing facilities to help companies identify their products that may be causing harm to their customers. If we find appreciable levels of dangerous chemicals, we inform the company, and initiate an accountability process. Our goal is to facilitate reformulation of the product in order to remove the chemical in question. We work with both manufacturers and retailers in good faith, assuming that we all want the same thing: a safer world.

  • Action

    If all else fails, MONARCH will take legal action.

    We use California’s Proposition 65 framework to compel safety regulations onto uncompliant corporations. Learn more about Prop 65 HERE.